Last week I mentioned an activity I had found to learn more about vitamins and minerals. The link is Basically you make up action hero cards for each vitamin and mineral. We have been having so much fun with this. Tyler fills out the information with me and then comes up with a name for each action hero and then we hand it over to our computer whiz (AKA Dad) and he makes them into flash cards for us wich I am laminating so that they will stay nice. We have done six so far and I thought I would share our progress because they are turning out super cute.
Here are all our cards so far:First we did Milk Man (aka calcium) and he is my personal favorite.
Next came the Eye Doctor (aka vitamin A)
The Brain Surgeon (vitamin B1)
Rythm Man (magnesium)
Toxic Free (vitamin B3)
And last for now The Strong Man (phosphorus). We are going to try to do all the main vitamins and minerals. I am hoping to come up with a game with them when we are done. It has been so fun and I know he will definately remember them. I will share some more when we get them done.
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