Good morning!
I thought I would talk a little about the newest addition to our family. A couple of weeks ago we adopted a puppy named Lucy. She is about one years old so she is already house broken. Yeah! She is a lab mix and is just adorable.
She has done well in our house even ds11 likes her. Although he is not quite sure what to do with her yet. He walks up to her and just pats her on the nose. She has been terrific for ds12. He lets her lick him all over the face and loves to take her out for walks on her leash. Actually it is more her walking him but they both get lots of exercise so it works! She gives him lots of love which is a good thing because it gives him a pal when he is having a rough time with the kids in the neighborhood.
Just one more....
Now on to our day yesterday. We started studying Easter for Bible which is actually a little ahead in our book. We use Bob Jones for Bible. We skipped ahead though and will go back to where we were after Easter. Ds12 did a morse code project with his snap circuits. He did a great job unfortunatly his speaker in his snap circuit set seems like it is starting to die so I will have to look for a replacement. Anyways here is a picture of his project.
We also worked on our lapbook. We did Eric the Red and Leif the Lucky. Other than that Ds12 did his Rosetta Stone Latin which he is liking a lot. I was going to try to keep up with him and do it too but I am getting behind. I took Latin when I was younger but to be honest that was a long time ago and I am a little rusty. It is coming back to me though. You would be proud Mr. Stafford!
Other than that he did the rest of his normal work.
Ds11 was a lot more alert today than he has been lately. Amazing what a little sleep does for him. He was really cute with his dad last night so here are a couple of pictures.
I love my family!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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