Hi! Thank you for stopping by today! My name is Bronwyn. I am a follower of Jesus, wife of a Marine, and mother of 2 autistic boys. We have been a homeschooling family for going on 7 years now and loving it! I also love to read, cook, bake, and walk.

Monday, June 29, 2009

They're Back!

This year for Tyler's birthday we decided that we wouldn't give him any material presents but instead he and my husband would take a trip up to Busch Gardens in Virginia to see Brandon Heath, Mandisa, and TobyMac in concert at the Glory in the Gardens.  Christian and I did not go as we had decided it would be too much for Christian.  It was nice for Tyler to have a special vacation with his dad also.  They left on Saturday morning and got back this afternoon.  They had a great time and so I thought I would share some of their pictures. 

Just entering Virginia.

All the above pictures are of the Williamsburg Visitors Center.  I really would have liked to have seen that.  They did not have time to see much of colonial Williamsburg but they did do some shopping at the Visitors Center.  I will show you the fantastic gifts they bought me in a little bit also.  Below are a couple of pictures of the impressive map of Williamsburg found outside the visitor center.

I am in awe of the skill that must go into making something like that.  Here are a couple more pictures they took at a store by where they went to dinner.

I am just loving the colonial drumers!  The next pictures are of Busch Gardens.  I think they have captured the definition of fun there!

They had a lot more pictures than that but that seems like enough for now.  After playing around in the park they went to the big reason for their trip.  Here are some pictures of the Glory in the Gardens.

The first pictures are of Brandon Heath who though both weren't sure how much they would like but they ended up really enjoying his performance.

Next was Mandisa whom Tyler has a bit of a crush on.  Suprisingly he was not overly impressed with her performance as she didn't sing as much of her own songs as he would have liked.  She sang some Arethea Franklin, Whitney Houston, and Michael Jackson songs which he is unfamiliar with.  My hubby thought she did great though.

Then came TobyMac.  Tim and Tyler are two of the biggest TobyMac fans around so they were so thrilled to be able to see him perform. They both got Toby t-shirts and Tyler got a cap so they can live the moment forever!

Nice purple shoes Toby!

They had a lot of fun together and now they are both worn out.  They did remember dear old mom though.  Tyler got me these two cuties.

Because we are moving soon he says they are my "housewarming" gifts.  He really cracks me up with the things he says sometimes.  He is too cute!

My darling husband got me this cute little wood replica of The Wren Building at the College of William and Mary founded in 1693.  I have two other replicas already of other historic buildings we have visited so this is a beautiful addition to my collection.

I have saved the best for last.  One of the things I associate with Colonial America is the beautiful laterns they used so I am now overjoyed to have my own.  The fact that they came from Williamsburg makes them even more special.

Aren't they amazing?  The candles in them are battery operated but they flicker and look just like real candles.  They didn't have one at the store in Williamsburg for the small lantern but rest assured I have already ordered one.  I can't wait to find these a special spot in our new house.  I feel really blessed with my beautiful gifts.  I wish I could have went with but Christian and I had fun hanging out at home too.  Maybe next time we can all visit Williamsburg together!


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