Hi! Thank you for stopping by today! My name is Bronwyn. I am a follower of Jesus, wife of a Marine, and mother of 2 autistic boys. We have been a homeschooling family for going on 7 years now and loving it! I also love to read, cook, bake, and walk.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Peppermint Play Dough

Today, I am going to make peppermint play dough for Christian. I put red food coloring in half of the dough so we can make candy cane shapes with it. It smells really good too!

Peppermint Play Dough

2 cups flour
1 1/2 cup water
1 cup salt
1 tsp. vinegar
1/4 tsp. peppermint extract
food coloring

Mix the flour and salt in a large bowl. Slowly add water and vinegar and stir until stiff. Knead until desired consistency. Divide dough in half. Form a bowl shape with each half of the dough. In the first half drop in the peppermint extract and knead until dough is smooth. In the second half drop peppermint extract and red food coloring and need until color is spread throughout dough. You can add more food coloring until you get the red color you want. Store in a freezer bag or airtight container in the refrigerator. If should last at least a month if stored after each use. Bring the dough out of the refrigerator about 5 minutes before you wish to use it so that it is more pliable. You can also leave out a shape you have created to harden for at least 24 hours if you wish to keep it. Spraying it with varnish to preserve it after it is completely hardened is also a good idea.

* This recipe is not edible and young children should be supervised.

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