Hi! Thank you for stopping by today! My name is Bronwyn. I am a follower of Jesus, wife of a Marine, and mother of 2 autistic boys. We have been a homeschooling family for going on 7 years now and loving it! I also love to read, cook, bake, and walk.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

Wow!  I have been really neglectful of this blog lately.  Sorry about that!  We have just been very engrossed with enjoying family time.
We had a very nice Thanksgiving here.  We watched the Macy's Parade together.  I made the traditional dinner and Tim made pumpkin pie.  I love the fact that he makes the pie each year.  He doesn't cook or bake except a few things like eggs and steaks and such on the grill.  However, about 7 years ago I had a very bad bout of arthritis right before Thanksgiving.  I was laid up with pain killers and we had already invited some dear friends over to dinner so Tim had to do most of the cooking.  He decided  to try making pumpkin pie and it turned out so good he has been doing it every since.  It is really very sweet! 
The day before Thanksgiving Tim and Tyler went to bring all our Christmas stuff out of storage.  We have had a storage unit for about 6 years now as we just haven't had enough room to store our Christmas decor and some other odds and ends.  Now we have more storage room at home so we were able to clear out the unit which will save us a little money each month.  It was fun to see some of the things I haven't seen in awhile especially some of the things I had forgotten that I had saved.  I found one box full of projects and papers I had saved from our first couple of years of homeschooling.  It was fun to see our Flat Stanley and an art project I  had done with Christian that shows a tree during the different seasons.  Some wonderful memories! 
Since Thanksgiving we have been busy decorating the house, enjoying advent activities, watching Christmas movies, and playing games together.  I am also trying to help the kids make some homemade gifts for others.  The house is so cozy this time of year!  I love all the decorations we have collected over the years and how it makes me feel when I remember the story behind each one.  I thought I would share some pictures with you of our house decorated for Christmas.  I know I love to see other peoples decorations so I thought you might enjoy it as well.

Not a great picture but these are beautiful in person.  Tim brought them back from Kyrgyzstan last year for Christian and they are each hand painted.

  Our tree in the dark

The tree again but with more light

My favorite ornament

Tim's favorite ornament is Santa in a helicopter hoisting up a sack of toys. 

As always Christian is in love with all the Christmas decorations.  It makes me wish we could keep them up all year round.  I also wish we could decorate his room  but he isn't gentle enough.  I did get him a fun new Christmas quilt from Cracker Barrel about a week ago and it has lots of textures so he is enjoying that in his room at least.

Tyler has his own tree and decorations in his room but I don't have any pictures yet.  I will try to do that soon.
We started several years back collecting the Department 56 North Pole village for him and we buy him a new building each year.  This year it was the cocoa factory.  They are fun keepsakes that he can enjoy even when he gets older.    He has been enjoying all the Christmas books and specials and playing the Polar Express board game with his dad.

Tim is taking some much needed leave this month and we are really looking forward to even more good family time.
Well, that's about all for now.  I have a couple more random pictures before I go though.
Tyler with his "the Buckeyes are going to the RoseBowl" smile.

Tim and a very spoiled Lucy.

Hope you all are enjoying this special time of the year!!!


Honey said...

Such a lovely post! Your tree is beautiful - is it real? - we have a fake one this year. It was so nice to see a glimpse into your family.


Unknown said...

Your decorations are lovely.

Bronwyn said...

Thank you so much! Our tree is fake too. I think the real ones are beautiful but I am not a big fan of cleaning up pine needles. We got ours last year and it is our first pre-lit tree. It is sooo nice not to have to mess with the lights. :)


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