Tim and Tyler went to see Caleb Chapman, Tenth Avenue North, and Casting Crowns a little over a week ago. I meant to get the pictures up here earlier but with Christian and his ear I am a
little whole lot behind.
Before I show you the pictures I wanted to share a little about how I feel about Casting Crowns. I don't think I have ever shared this story here before but if I have I'm sorry for repeating!
In 2008 Tim was deployed to Afghanistan for 9 months. He was due to return home in November and towards the end of September we began to plan his homecoming. We ordered our banner and planned to have his favorite foods and such but I knew how hard it had been for him to be away for us that long and I also wanted to do something special for him. Because of our family situation big parties and vacations are just not an option. Tyler and I had found out that Casting Crowns, Tim's favorite band, was coming out with a Christmas CD and so I ordered that for him and it got me to thinking. I looked up their tour dates and sure enough just a couple weeks after he was to return home they were playing a couple of hours from here. I deliberated back and forth on weather we could all attend the concert but in the end decided it would be way too much for Christian. I was able to reserve two seats in the third row and I figured Tyler and Tim could go together and have a good father and son time. I sat there thinking a little more after I got the tickets and wondered if just maybe I could make it a little more special. I knew that sometimes musicians esp. christian artists are willing to give a shout out at concerts for special occasions. So... I worked up a little nerve and went over to Casting Crowns website and found the email address for Mark Hall, the lead singer. I wrote and told him my story of how great my hubby is and what a big fan he is and how he was coming back from Afghanistan etc. I didn't really think I would get a response but I was hopeful that maybe I would. Well, about two weeks later I did actually get a response. I got an email from Susan Dose the band's assistant and she said that Mark had read my email. I was taken a bit back there she hadn't read my email but Mark had read my email. She said that the band didn't do shout outs during their concerts but they could give him two meet and greet passes. I was sooooo excited! I knew it would mean a lot to Tim to meet Mark Hall, someone whom he has so much respect for. Incidentally this concert also featured a lot of other artists who Tim and Tyler got to meet too. There was Natalie Grant, Avalon, Michael English, PureNRG, and Denver and the Mile High Orchestra. They had a wonderful time and were so impressed with how nice everyone was. On a funny note both Tim and Tyler were both to shy to ask to get their pictures taken with anyone. They did however get me a shirt at the concert and had everyone sign it. I still wish they had gotten pictures. :(
So that's my great Casting Crowns story. I love that they gave my hubby such a special time! They are the real deal and hold a special place in our hearts.
Now when they come to our area we of course have to get tickets so Tim and Tyler went to see them again this last week. No passes this time-just the concert but they still had a wonderful time.
The concert opened with Caleb, Stephen Curtis Chapman's son. This is a picture of Will and Caleb Chapman. Tyler was greatly impressed with these two.
The second performance was Tenth Avenue North.
And last but surely not least was Casting Crowns.
World Vision was there too. Tim didn't get a picture of them though. :) We did sign up to sponsor a adorable little girl in Tanzania. I am already so in love with this little face.
We already sponsor a girl in India through Compassion and so we decided to go with Africa. She is three and just too cute. Don't you think? The problem for me is that we started sponsoring our Compassion child when she was already 10 and so I am not sure what we are to write to a three year old or if we should mostly send pictures and drawings from the kids. I would love suggestions if anybody has sponsored a younger child. I am sure we are going to love getting to know her!